Sunday, October 01, 2006

Happy Kids' Day!

Today is 1st October and it's Children's Day! I hope all the P4 boys are having fun wherever you are. For the P6 boys, unfortunately, you have to study for PSLE which starts on Wednesday. But after PSLE, you can play all you want! As for me, I celebrated Chewren Day by buying this very cool Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi figure. Have a look at the photos.

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Those of you who have been to my table in the Staff Room will know that I'm a toy collector as well as a Star Wars fan. Quite similar to Mr Sung, who used to call all of you his "young padawan". Did you know that he has a replica lightsaber that lights up and makes sounds! He also had the Jedi robe and boots custom made. He was always encouraging me to get my own costume so that we could one day roleplay a lightsaber duel in front of the school! Can you imagine 2 teachers fighting it out as Jedi Masters? :)

But things do not happen as planned. We all know that Mr Sung transferred to another school, hence my taking over the Scout unit. I know that some of you were hesistant about me, especially with my reputation as a disciplinarian. I expected half of you to quit in January once I banned soccer as an activity but you did not. You were willing to trust me and support the Scout activities that I have planned. Now, 9 months later, we are on the verge of winning the Frank Cooper Sands Silver Award. We have also won recognition as an active and value-added CCA from our Principal, the school as a whole and even LTT! Next year, we aim for Gold!

Everything would not have been possible if not for your enthusiastic support. So here's a big thank you to each and every one of you for contributing to our Scout unit's success. Special thanks go out to the hardcore Scouts - Daniel, Nathaniel, Gerald, Feng Yuan, Derrick, Mervyn and Noel - who are there for practically every Scout activity. Onwards ever in Scouting and have a very Happy Kids' Day!


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