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Website of Cub Scouts of Temasek Primary School, Singapore.
Good news, boys!
Congrats to Sean Ang, Hyzal, Lance and Shawn Tan on being officially invested into our Cub Scouts unit. A big thank you to Hyzal's Mum, Shawn's Dad and Sean's Godmum for coming down to attend the short but definitely meaningful Investiture Ceremony.
Scouts all over the world greet each other in a very special way: they shake with the left hand to demonstrate mutual trust Scouts have in each other. Its use is a well established and unifying form of friendly greeting between all members of the Movement throughout the world.
This morning, during National Day Celebrations, Noel and Derrick took photographs of the proceedings as part of their Photographer Proficiency Badge. Here are some of the better photos that they took. Good effort, Noel and Derrick!
OK. So we didn't make as many banners as the other Uniformed Groups. And their banners are certainly more creative and colourful. But we did the tying and hanging of ALL the banners. That's something to be proud of.
Finally! The banners have been completed. 3 Uniformed Groups managed to produce 11 banners altogether. Which is your favourite?
Bad news, boys.