End of 2008

And so ends another year. 2008 has been a great year for us. Our first FCS Gold award. Our first unit Camp - at Sarimbun! Our very own unit badge and scarf. 7 Akela award winners. Well done, everyone!
Website of Cub Scouts of Temasek Primary School, Singapore.
Web blog "scoutslink" http://scoutslink.blogspot.com/ has added your web blog under the SINGAPORE SECTION; this opens the opportunity for Malaysia Scouts to know and learn more about your scouting program and activities.
You are, however, also able to get access to list of scout blogs and web address. Some is in Malay while some is in English too.
Yours in scouting,
Henry Tan
ADC - communication and marketing
(Johor Bahru District)
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