Saturday, March 31, 2007

Patrol Challenge Update

After 2 Patrol Challenges, Mervyn's Tiger Patrol is in the lead after winning both Challenges. Congratulations! Here is the ranking for the Patrol Challenge Competition.

1) Tiger Patrol - 10 points
2) Hyena Patrol - 6 points
3) Eagle Patrol - 4 points
4) Hawk Patrol - 2 points
5) Fox Patrol - 2 points

For the other Patrols, don't worry! There are at least 10 more Patrol Challenges for you to catch up and win the Best Patrol trophy! The June Camp is important because there will be 3 Patrol Challenges to be won. They are tentatively Flag Pole, Catapult and Obstacle Course. So everyone should come for the Camp!


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