Sunday, March 18, 2007

Attention P3 and P5s!

This announcement is for P3 and P5 Cubs!

From Term 2 onwards, you will be put into Patrols of 6 members each. Each Patrol will be led by a Patrol Leader (PL) who will be assisted by a Patrol Second (PS). The PL will be a P5 Assistant Sixer personally chosen by me based on their Scouting skills and experience.

Each Patrol will have at least 2 P3 Cubs while the other members will be P5s. The members will be chosen by the PLs! The PLs are Noel, Derrick, Chaderic, Mervyn and Sean. If you want them to choose you, you should approach them quickly! Beg them if necessary!

Once the Patrol members are chosen, there is no changing for the rest of the year! During Scout Meetings, you will do all activities in your Patrols. The PLs will decide on a Patrol name and logo to identify their Patrols. For example, Noel has already reserved Eagle Patrol!

There will be a Patrol Challenge during every Scout Meeting. Points will be awarded. The scoring is as follows:

1st Place - 5 points
2nd Place - 3 points
3rd Place - 2 points
4th & 5th Places - 1 point

If not enough members in a Patrol turn up, they will not be allowed to take part in the Patrol Challenge. So the Patrol gets zero points! This will encourage members to come for every Scout Meeting.

In addition, the last Patrol will have to do 10 push-ups as forfeit - together as a Patrol! At the end of the year, the points will be added up and the winning Patrol will either win a special trophy or get a special treat from me.

Finally, if any member of a Patrol does something outstanding for our unit, he wins points for his Patrol. For example, if Rui Le's T-shirt design is chosen for the Combined CCA Camp T-shirt, his Patrol will earn 5 bonus points!

All the best to all Patrols in advance! May the best Patrol win!


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